BM-0001 RNAS Boaz Island VFR

  • Name
    RNAS Boaz Island
  • ICAO
  • Type
  • Region
  • Timezone
    6:26 pm (AST)
  • Municipality
  • Coordinates
    32° 19′ 14″ N 64° 50′ 27″ E
  • Elevation
    4 ft (1 m MSL)

About RNAS Boaz Island

RNAS Bermuda (the personnel of which, as with all members of the America and West Indies Station shore establishment in the Imperial fortress colony of Bermuda at the time, were part of the strength of the stone frigate HMS Malabar) was a Royal Naval Air Station in the Royal Naval Dockyard on Ireland Island until 1939, then Boaz Island (and also the conjoined Watford Island), Bermuda. Bermuda became the primary base for the North America and West Indies Station of the Royal Navy in the North-West Atlantic following American independence. It was the location of a dockyard, an Admiralty House, and the base of a naval squadron.

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