CJG2 Eatonia (Elvie Smith) Municipal Airport VFR

  • Name
    Eatonia (Elvie Smith) Municipal Airport
  • ICAO / GPS
    CJG2 / CJG2
  • Type
  • Restriction
  • Region
  • Timezone
    4:16 pm (CST)
  • Municipality
  • Coordinates
    51° 13′ 8″ N 109° 23′ 34″ E
  • Elevation
    2’365 ft (721 m MSL)

About Eatonia (Elvie Smith) Municipal Airport

Eatonia (Elvie Smith) Municipal Airport (TC LID: CJG2) is a registered aerodrome located adjacent to Eatonia, Saskatchewan, Canada. It is named for the local community and Elvie L. Smith, former president and Chairman of Pratt and Whitney Canada.

The airport has one large hangar type building just south of Eatonia Heritage Park (former railway siding). The runway is a turf (grass) strip with no markings. The airport handles small propeller aircraft only.

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