Dfiner (2008), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

GLMR Spriggs Payne Airport MVFR

  • Name
    Spriggs Payne Airport
  • Type
  • Restriction
  • Region
  • Timezone
    11:50 pm (GMT)
  • Municipality
  • Coordinates
    6° 17′ 20″ N 10° 45′ 31″ E
  • Elevation
    25 ft (8 m MSL)

About Spriggs Payne Airport

James Spriggs Payne Airport (IATA: MLW, ICAO: GLMR) is an airport located 5 kilometres (3 mi) from downtown Monrovia, the capital of the Republic of Liberia in West Africa. The airfield is located within the busy and thickly settled Sinkor section of the city, and is therefore convenient to the business and political districts of the capital. Whereas Roberts International Airport is the primary aviation facility for the city and indeed the entire country, Spriggs-Payne has the only other paved runway in Liberia and once had the only other international commercial flights into and out of Liberia. The airport is named after James Spriggs Payne who was president of the Republic of Liberia in 1868–70 and again in 1876–78.

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