OAA Shank Air Base MVFR

  • Name
    Shank Air Base
    OAA / OAA / OASH
  • Type
  • Restriction
  • Region
  • Timezone
    3:03 am (AFT)
  • Municipality
    Baraki Barak
  • Coordinates
    33° 55′ 19″ N 69° 4′ 40″ E
  • Elevation
    6’890 ft (2’100 m MSL)

About Shank Air Base

Forward Operating Base Shank (IATA: OAA, ICAO: OASH, also known as Rocket City) is a former Forward operating base of the U.S. military, located in Logar Province of eastern Afghanistan, about 12 km south-east of the city of Baraki Barak. During Operation Enduring freedom, FOB Shank was one of the most heavily rocketed forward operating bases in Afghanistan. In 2014, the base was turned over to Afghan National Army, who established Camp Maiwand at the northern end of the FOB. American forces later returned and reoccupied the southern portion of the FOB, under the name Camp Dahlke.

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