OADS Sardeh Band Airport MVFR

  • Name
    Sardeh Band Airport
  • Type
  • Region
  • Timezone
    3:00 am (AFT)
  • Municipality
    Sardeh Band
  • Coordinates
    33° 19′ 14″ N 68° 38′ 11″ E
  • Elevation
    6’971 ft (2’125 m MSL)

About Sardeh Band Airport

Sardeh Band Airport (Pashto: د سردې بند هوايي ډګر; IATA: SBF, ICAO: OADS) is an airport located at the town of Sardeh Band, and about 1 kilometre (1 mi) north of the Russian-built dam called Sardeh Band Dam (built in 1967) on the eastern edge of Andar District, Ghazni Province, Afghanistan. The airfield lies in a valley 2 miles (3 km) northwest of lake Mota Khan, near the border with Paktika Province.

Though the airstrip is still evident against the surrounding desert, it has not been maintained since Russian military Forces withdrew from Afghanistan and there are no structures to support it. During the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, the airstrip was used in a limited capacity by U.S. Special Operations Forces.

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