AQ-0004 Ellsworth Station UNK

  • Name
    Ellsworth Station
  • ICAO
  • Type
  • Region
  • Timezone
    4:32 pm (ART)
  • Municipality
    Ellsworth Station
  • Coordinates
    77° 39′ 0″ N 41° 1′ 59″ E
  • Elevation
    0 ft (0 m MSL)

About Ellsworth Station

Ellsworth Scientific Station (Spanish: Estación Científica Ellsworth, or simply Estación Ellsworth or Base Ellsworth) was a permanent, all year-round originally American, then Argentine Antarctic scientific research station named after American polar explorer Lincoln Ellsworth. It was located on Gould Bay, on the Filchner Ice Shelf.

It was shut down in 1962 over safety concerns due to it being built on increasingly unstable ice, which produced fast deterioration of its superstructures and endangered both personnel and equipment.

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