BGMI Station Nord Landing Strip UNK

  • Name
    Station Nord Landing Strip
  • ICAO / GPS
  • Type
  • Region
  • Timezone
    5:51 pm (EGT)
  • Municipality
    Station Nord
  • Coordinates
    81° 36′ 4″ N 16° 40′ 45″ E
  • Elevation
    35 ft (11 m MSL)

About Station Nord Landing Strip

Station Nord (ICAO: BGNO) is a military and scientific station in northeastern Greenland 1700 km north of the Arctic Circle.

It is about 924 km (574 mi) from the geographic North Pole, on Princess Ingeborg Peninsula (Danish: Prinsesse Ingeborg Halvø) in northern Kronprins Christian Land, making it the second northernmost permanent settlement and base of the Northeast Greenland National Park and of Greenland as a whole (two stations in Peary Land further north, Brønlundhus and Kap Harald Moltke, are not permanently occupied).

The Danish Defence Command base is staffed by five Danish non-commissioned officers on a 26-month tour of duty; accommodation is also available for over twenty scientists and other personnel during the summer months. The station has about 35 buildings. It is not accessible by ship; ice conditions would permit a passage only every five to ten years. The name Nord simply means "north" in Danish. Winter darkness extends from 15 October to 28 February.

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