CN-0036 Shantou Waisha Airport VFR

  • Name
    Shantou Waisha Airport
  • ICAO
  • Type
  • Region
  • Timezone
    6:40 am (CST)
  • Municipality
    Shantou (Longhu)
  • Coordinates
    23° 25′ 36″ N 116° 45′ 43″ E
  • Elevation
    29 ft (9 m MSL)

About Shantou Waisha Airport

Shantou Waisha Airport is a People's Liberation Army Air Force Base in the city of Shantou in Guangdong province, China. It served as the city's civilian airport from 15 April 1974 until 15 December 2011, when all commercial flights were transferred to the newly-built Jieyang Chaoshan International Airport.

Shantou Waisha Airport is located in Longhu District and opened in 1956 as a military airport for the People's Liberation Army Air Force. It opened for commercial air carriers on 15 April 1974.

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