CWZM Boat Bluff Lighthouse Helipad VFR

  • Name
    Boat Bluff Lighthouse Helipad
  • ICAO / GPS
  • Type
  • Region
  • Timezone
    2:10 pm (PST)
  • Municipality
    Sarah Island
  • Coordinates
    52° 38′ 37″ N 128° 31′ 28″ E
  • Elevation
    44 ft (13 m MSL)

About Boat Bluff Lighthouse Helipad

Boat Bluff Lighthouse is located near Klemtu on the scenic south end of Sarah Island in Tolmie Channel on the Inside Passage of British Columbia. The lighthouse was established in 1907. The skeleton tower is 24 feet high giving it a focal plane 38 feet above sea level. The station is still staffed by resident keepers.

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