EGTU Dunkeswell Airport MVFR

  • Name
    Dunkeswell Airport
  • ICAO / GPS
  • Type
  • Restriction
  • Region
  • Timezone
    9:16 am (GMT)
  • Municipality
  • Coordinates
    50° 51′ 35″ N 3° 14′ 4″ E
  • Elevation
    839 ft (256 m MSL)

About Dunkeswell Airport

Dunkeswell Aerodrome (ICAO: EGTU) is an airfield in East Devon, England. It is located approximately 5 mi (8.0 km) north of the town of Honiton and 14 nautical miles (26 km; 16 mi) northeast of Exeter. It is a busy civilian airfield with a mix of light aircraft, microlights and parachuting.

Nearby (1 NM (1.9 km; 1.2 mi)) to the southwest is North Hill, an airstrip run by the local gliding club.

Dunkeswell Aerodrome has a CAA Ordinary Licence (Number P674) that allows flights for the public transport of passengers or for flying instruction as authorised by the licensee (Air Westward Limited). The aerodrome is not licensed for night use.

Dunkeswell Airfield Heritage Centre, is situated to one side of the large propeller memorial.

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