WikiPedant (2009), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

EYPR Pociūnai Airfield VFR

  • Name
    Pociūnai Airfield
  • ICAO / GPS
  • Type
  • Restriction
  • Region
  • Timezone
    3:05 pm (EET)
  • Municipality
  • Coordinates
    54° 38′ 57″ N 24° 3′ 42″ E
  • Elevation
    197 ft (60 m MSL)

About Pociūnai Airfield

Pociūnai Airfield (ICAO: EYPR), also known as Prienai Airfield, is a recreational aerodrome located in Ašminta elderate of Kaunas district municipality, Lithuania; 38 km south of the Kaunas centre. The airport's infrastructure allows it to handle medium and small sized aircraft, up to the size of the Saab 2000, Saab 340.

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