MD-0001 Bălţi City Airport VFR

  • Name
    Bălţi City Airport
  • ICAO
  • Type
  • Region
  • Timezone
    1:04 am (EET)
  • Municipality
  • Coordinates
    47° 46′ 27″ N 27° 57′ 26″ E
  • Elevation
    332 ft (101 m MSL)

About Bălţi City Airport

Bălți-City Airport (ICAO: LUBA) was the second largest airport in Moldova and one of the two major civilian airports in Bălți (the second being Bălți-Leadoveni International Airport located in the suburb of Bălți in Corlăteni).

Established after World War II to replace Moldova's main military airfield in Bălți (located in the suburb Bălți in Singureni), the Bălți City civilian airport was the second busiest airport in Moldova for domestic Moldovan and Soviet air traffic until the late 1980s, when the second airport in Bălți, Bălți-Leadoveni International Airport, became operational.

Bălți-City Airport ceased airport and air navigation activities in 2010, following the transfer of all airport real estate assets and land to Bălți Free Economic Zone, on the condition that Bălți Free Economic Zone builds real estate assets at Bălți-Leadoveni International Airport to replace the real estate assets including plots of land received from Bălți-City Airport.

Bălți-City Airport is located in the eastern limits of the urban area of Bălți opposite the suburb of Bălți , the village of Elizaveta, which is part of the Municipality of Bălți, at a distance of 3.2 km from the centre of Bălți. The airport consists of one passenger terminal which serves for both domestic Moldovan and domestic Soviet flights, as well as aircraft and cargo hangars and a control centre. In 1977, the number of domestic flights from Chișinău to Bălți exceeded 7 times the number of flights to any other most popular domestic destination in Moldova. During its existence, Bălți-City airport served about 30 destinations: both local domestic destinations and destinations in neighbouring Soviet republics (Ukrainian SSR, Russian SFSR).

During the Soviet period, Bălți-City Airport was a hub for planes and helicopters of Aeroflot airlines, Bălți Combined Aviation Unit (Bălți Aviation Unit No. 281) of the Civil Aviation Directorate of the MSSR, with civil air squadrons from Bălți at Chișinău airport and Bender airfield, as well as for planes and helicopters of Moldaeroservice.

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