PA-0022 Yaviza Airport VFR

  • Name
    Yaviza Airport
    PA-0022 / PYV
  • Type
  • Region
  • Timezone
    5:45 pm (EST)
  • Municipality
  • Coordinates
    8° 9′ 10″ N 77° 41′ 13″ E
  • Elevation
    75 ft (23 m MSL)

About Yaviza Airport

Yaviza Airport (IATA: PYV) is an airstrip serving Yaviza, a town in the Darién Province of Panama. Yaviza is the southern end of the Pan-American Highway and the beginning of the Darién Gap.

The runway is just southeast of the town, across the Chucunaque River. North approach and departure will cross the water. There is a small pond at the southern end of the runway.

The La Palma VOR (Ident: PML) is located 30.8 nautical miles (57 km) northwest of the airstrip.

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