UA-9861 Zhovtneve Air Base VFR

  • Name
    Zhovtneve Air Base
  • ICAO
  • Type
  • Restriction
  • Region
  • Timezone
    12:57 am (EET)
  • Municipality
  • Coordinates
    50° 54′ 39″ N 24° 27′ 7″ E
  • Elevation
    699 ft (213 m MSL)

About Zhovtneve Air Base

Zhovtneve was an air base in Ukraine located 11 km northeast of Volodymyr. It served as a wartime dispersion base. It contained a small remote parking with a few revetted areas. This base was only about 40 km from the Polish border.

A helicopter regiment of the 13th Army (Soviet Union) was located there in the late 1980s.

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