US-2357 Montgomery Airfield / Marina Airfield IFR

  • Name
    Montgomery Airfield / Marina Airfield
  • ICAO
  • Type
  • Region
  • Timezone
    12:21 am (PST)
  • Municipality
    San Francisco
  • Coordinates
    37° 48′ 23″ N 122° 26′ 20″ E
  • Elevation
    7 ft (2 m MSL)

About Montgomery Airfield / Marina Airfield

The Marina Green in San Francisco, California, is a 74-acre (300,000 m2) expanse of grass between Fort Mason and the Presidio. It is adjacent to San Francisco Bay, and this location provides good views of the Golden Gate Bridge, Angel Island, Alcatraz Island, and parts of Marin County. Houses built mostly in the 1920s and 1930s line Marina Boulevard, the southern boundary of the Marina Green. Many of these houses have large bay windows, and Herb Caen, the late San Francisco newspaper columnist, often made references to the immaculate furnishings behind these windows. In the past, a railroad track along the southern edge of the Marina Green allowed the San Francisco Belt Railroad to serve the Presidio. Adjacent to the Marina Green is a marina, home to the St. Francis Yacht Club and the Golden Gate Yacht Club. The San Francisco Bay Trail runs through the green.

Prior to the 1906 earthquake, this area was a tidal marsh. After the earthquake, much of the resulting rubble was dumped here.

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