33CL Oak Country Ranch Airport VFR

Weather Station
near_me 51 nm
schedule 1 Hrs
12 °C (54 °F)
  • Altimeter
    29.89 inHg (1’012 hPa)
  • Dew point
    12 °C (54 °F)
  • Rel. humidity
    100.0 %
  • Air density
    1.24 kg/m3
  • Wind chill
    12 °C (53 °F)
Visibility600 mCeilingNone
0 ft
500 ft
1’000 ft
FEW 0 ft
KVBG 070945Z AUTO 20003KT 3/8SM R30/2200V3500FT FG FEW000 12/12 A2989 RMK AO2 VIS 3/8V5 SLP124 TSNO $
Wind 3 kt to SSW


No runways matched for this airport.


  • Sea level pressure
    1’240 hPa
  • Report
    is fully automated
  • Automated station
    with precipitation descriminator
  • Sensor status
    Thunderstorm information not available
  • Maintenance
    needed on ASOS
Information on this website is for private use only. Do not use for real life flight.