EGDD Bicester Airfield VFR

  • Name
    Bicester Airfield
  • ICAO / GPS
  • Type
  • Region
  • Timezone
    2:25 am (GMT)
  • Municipality
  • Coordinates
    51° 55′ 0″ N 1° 7′ 54″ E
  • Elevation
    266 ft (81 m MSL)

About Bicester Airfield

Bicester Aerodrome, formerly RAF Bicester, is a private airfield on the outskirts of the English town of Bicester in Oxfordshire. Dating back to 1916, it is notable as the location of the first flight of the prototype Handley Page Halifax in 1939. It was originally established as a military airfield, used by Royal Air Force until 2004.

Historic England notes that Bicester Aerodrome is:

"The most complete and strongly representative example of an RAF airbase from the interwar expansion, built as a bomber station as part of the 1920s Home Defence Expansion Scheme."

The airfield consists of 400 acres (160 ha) of well-drained short-mown grass, with two mown grass runways of 06/24 (650 m (2,133 ft)) and 16/34 (790 m (2,592 ft)) long. The airfield surface is bumpy in places, due to collapsing field drains, requiring care on the part of pilots operating aircraft in those areas.

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