KTCM McChord Air Force Base VFR

  • Name
    McChord Air Force Base
  • Type
  • Restriction
  • Region
  • Timezone
    1:04 am (PST)
  • Municipality
  • Coordinates
    47° 8′ 15″ N 122° 28′ 33″ E
  • Elevation
    322 ft (98 m MSL)

About McChord Air Force Base

McChord Field (still referred to as McChord AFB by some as of 2023) is a United States Air Force base in the northwest United States, in Pierce County, Washington. South of Tacoma, McChord AFB is the home of the 62nd Airlift Wing, Air Mobility Command, the airbase's primary mission being worldwide strategic airlift.

The McChord AFB facility was consolidated with the U.S. Army's Fort Lewis on 1 February 2010 to become part of the Joint Base Lewis-McChord complex. This initiative was driven by the Base Realignment and Closure Round in 2005 and is designed to combine current infrastructure into one maximizing war fighting capability and efficiency, while saving taxpayer dollars.

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