MHEZ La Esperanza Airport VFR

  • Name
    La Esperanza Airport
  • ICAO / GPS
  • Type
  • Restriction
  • Region
  • Timezone
    5:09 pm (CST)
  • Municipality
  • Coordinates
    15° 36′ 34″ N 86° 8′ 21″ E
  • Elevation
    197 ft (60 m MSL)

About La Esperanza Airport

La Esperanza Airport (ICAO: MHEZ) is an airport serving a number of agricultural villages and towns in western Colón Department, Honduras. The largest nearby towns are Sonaguera (13 km) and Sabá (17 km).

The Punta Castilla non-directional beacon (Ident: CTL) is located 25.7 nautical miles (47.6 km) north-northeast of the airport. The Bonito VOR-DME (Ident: BTO) is located 42.6 nautical miles (78.9 km) west of the airport.

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