RU-6313 Marienkhof Air Base MVFR

About Marienkhof Air Base

Marienkhof (German) (Dunayevka (Russian), Kottslyauken (US)) is a former air base in Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia located 10 km south of Pionersky. It was in use during the 1950s and has been abandoned near the end of the Cold War. It has a spartan layout, unimproved pads, if any, and an alert strip feeding directly onto the runway threshold.

In the mid-1950s up to 75 Ilyushin Il-28 (ASCC: Beagle) tactical bombers were based at Marienkhof. The 15th independent Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment arrived in 1954 and left in 1956 [1], and the 1st Guards and 51st Maritime Torpedo Aviation Regiments were based here[2] which disbanded 1 July 1960. Both were under the Baltic Fleet's 8th Mine-Torpedo Aviation Division.

At the Dunaevka airfield, the 469th Aircraft Storage Base was formed, where the Il-28s of the disbanded 8th MTAD and 128th Guards MTAD were transferred. The storage base existed for one year.

There was a significant drawdown in forces by 1962, by which aircraft were rarely observed at the airfield except for the occasional Il-28, indicating Marienkhof became a reserve airfield.

With the development of aviation, the runway no longer met modern requirements in terms of load capacity and length.

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