SCIR Robinson Crusoe Airport MVFR

  • Name
    Robinson Crusoe Airport
  • ICAO / GPS
  • Type
  • Restriction
  • Region
  • Timezone
    8:53 pm (CLT)
  • Municipality
    Isla Robinson Crusoe
  • Coordinates
    33° 39′ 54″ N 78° 55′ 46″ E
  • Elevation
    433 ft (132 m MSL)

About Robinson Crusoe Airport

Robinson Crusoe Airport Spanish: Aeródromo Robinson Crusoe, (ICAO: SCIR) is an airport serving Robinson Crusoe Island, a Pacific island 620 kilometres (390 mi) off the coast of Chile. The locale is one of the Juan Fernández Islands, being a portion of Chile's Valparaíso Region, and is 685 kilometres (426 mi) from Valparaíso.

A non-directional beacon (Ident: IRC) was on the eastern part of the island, 5.5 nautical miles (10.2 km) east-northeast of the airport. The beacon is likely decommissioned as it no longer listed on navigational charts.

Commercially, the airport is mainly served by a handful of air-taxi companies flying from Santiago, largely in the January-February timeframe, and seldom outside the November-March period. Rainy and windy conditions which may impact landings or takeoffs can occur anytime on the calendar.

Because of a lack of interior roads, transfer between the airport and San Juan Bautista, the main town on Robinson Crusoe, required a 1.5 hour ride by motor launch.

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