SKUA Marandúa Air Base VFR

  • Name
    Marandúa Air Base
  • ICAO / GPS
  • Type
  • Restriction
  • Region
  • Timezone
    3:34 am (COT)
  • Municipality
  • Coordinates
    5° 31′ 28″ N 68° 41′ 8″ E
  • Elevation
    338 ft (103 m MSL)

About Marandúa Air Base

Colonel Luis Arturo Rodríguez Meneses Air Base (Spanish: Base Aérea Coronel Luis Arturo Rodríguez Meneses) (ICAO: SKUA) is a Colombian military base assigned to the Colombian Aerospace Force (Fuerza Aeroespacial Colombiana or FAC) Eastern Air Group (Grupo Aéreo del Oriente or GAORI). The base is located in Marandúa, near Santa Rita, in the Vichada department of Colombia. It is named in honor of Colonel Luis Arturo Rodríguez Meneses.

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